
Facial slimming, anatomical implants, chin augmentation

Chin plastic surgery with an anatomical implant

Chin plastic surgery with an implant is a procedure that involves the implantation of a silicon implant directly in the chin part of the jaw. The purpose is to enhance the shape of chin, which improves the general appearance of the whole face and gives it suitable proportions and a fine profile. The effect is permanent and continues for many years.

Chin plastic surgery with very dense hyaluronic acid

The second method that gives a temporary effect (2 years) of enhancing a chin profile is the procedure that involves filling in this area with hyaluronic acid of high density.

Indicators for the procedure of chin correction

An indication for the surgery is the excessive recess and underdevelopment of the chin part of the jaw.
If irregularities of teeth are excluded and only chin underdevelopment is confirmed, the procedure may be carried out.

Advantages of the method

The plastic surgery of chin allows patients to improve the look of their face, give it suitable proportions and regain a beautiful profile. The procedure lets patients get rid of their complexes and regain high self-esteem. Owing to their improved appearance, patients have a chance to change their life and make their dreams come true.

Preparation for the procedure

Consultation with a medical practitioner is necessary to carry out the assessment of chin underdevelopment. In addition to consultation, blood test results have to be presented: blood count, prothrombin time, anti-HBs, HBs antigen, and HCV.


The surgery is carried out with local anaesthesia. A cut is made in a skin fold in the chin area. A silicon anatomic implant, after its introduction, is additionally fixed with a titanium screw to ensure its permanent and stable fastening.

Post-procedure recommendations

After the chin enlargement procedure, a patient wears a special compression band that goes over the head.
A stitch in the cut is self-absorbed, while an intradermal stitch is removed after 7-10 days.
The patient is discharged home directly after the procedure.

Possible complications

After a chin correction surgery, as after any other surgical procedure, complications may occur. The most frequent ones include haematoma in the cut, cut infection or implant dislocation.

Visits, consultations, and procedures are available only by prior phone registration (call or SMS): +48733386649, or by scheduling an appointment through the online form (click below 'Umow sie')." dr. Maciek Sznurkowski doctor

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